Saturday, July 21, 2012

Costa Rica Suprises

I came into this week of mission differently than last year.  Last year the idea sounded great in theory, but the follow-through scared me to death. What if it's not safe? I'll miss my boys. What if I am miserable the first day and then I'm stuck there for the week? What if I don't like the people in the group? Am I expected to sing  Kumbayah the whole time? What if I don't LIKE helping people? But then I got there and was so busy right away working that I didn't have time to think about my fears. The time flew. I laughed a lot and enjoyed the people. I cried a lot and made plans to return before I even left. I learned I am stronger than I thought. I was more emotionally affected than I thought.  God suprised me and blessed me because I was willing to take a step. It. Was. Life. Changing. So I began this trip with a different confidence and excitement. I know how it's going to go. I know how I'll feel.  Nothing will catch me off guard. But contrary to my expectations, God suprised me again. He blessed me because I put myself in a place to allow myself to focus only on Him. He's placed things on my heart that I didn't even know I longed for. I made a connection with a young boy that I've only felt with my own children. I was told he opened up to me unlike anyone before. We took pictures together, played, snuggled. God put us there together to make a difference in each other's lives. I have new thoughts and prayers for a life and happy home for a little boy that nobody wanted. I have a clear vision of a permanent clinic in La Carpio. The ability to provide ongoing care for the people trying to provide health and life for their families could be potentially life changing and is realistically doable. I have found a new arsenal of reliable and REAL friends. The people God placed on this trip are people I will continue to walk through life with.  They are ecclectic- a fellow working mom, a 17 year old soccer player, and 66 year old fiesty granny. They are the kind of people that I wouldn't have otherwise encountered but now that we've shared this experience, they are people I can be real with. That's priceless. And my husband-who suprised me with his enjoyment. Sharing these times is about US together-not our kids or jobs or the house. I remember that I not only love him but I LIKE him too. I am so proud of him. This time affects us individually but also makes our marriage stronger and makes us better parents.  So suprise!!! I have realized God is not even close to being finished with me yet. Every time I take control and plan and think I have it figured out, He will throw me a curve ball and open my eyes to more. So I will do my best to step back and allow what comes-He never disappoints. "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say " I used everything you gave me.""


  1. I'm so in awe of how God has worked in you and through you this week. What a blessing your report if this experience had been to me. All I can say is wow!

  2. This post makes me smile! I LOVE that God is like that!! I am proud of you and Micah, and I'm so glad you had a good time!! I can't wait to go back with you!!
