Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Welcome to Norway

We're here! It was a long day of travel filled with airport delays, tired boys, and one very grumpy flight attendant but overall we are here safely and so is our luggage--can't complain.

My first view was a shock. I've looked at pictures and read but it still wasn't like seeing it in front of me. White----very very white. The roads, the roofs, the trees. It's surreal. There are moose crossing signs on the highways!

We headed to our house to meet our landlord (very nice guy) and a slew of other logistic people. The house is really great. It's big and will fit our family well-even though there is a door from the living room into the kitchen (said door has already been taken off its hinges). The yard is huge and complete with a playhouse, soccer goal, trampoline, and "snowboarding hill"--what more could
3 little boys want? They have spent all the free time they've had out there.

Today, we tried to go to the grocery store to get a few drinks and snacks. Couldn't really decipher labels so didn't find most of what we needed. Strike 1. 
We tried to go to "closest thing to Walmart" store -- but found out it requires a membership card like Costco that we can't get until we have our visas complete. Strike 2.
We went to an electronics store and found all the kitchen and household appliances we had to leave behind because of the outlet differences. Homerun!

It's been a roller coaster so far mixed in with some jet lagged kids but we are making it happen. It still kin of feels like a vacation, not something long term. I wonder when that will set in.

Overall, first impressions:

-it's  really cold-like 3 degrees cold. Like the fjord is covered with ice cold. Like you take your glove off to take a picture and your hand is cold and stinging. BUT even the locals say its much colder than usual right now and should be warmer by this weekend.

2. Roads and traffic patterns  are very different. Driving and parking has been a challenge. We need to get good at the metro quickly as I expect that will be my primary form of transportation.

3. Its a very healthy and active place. Despite the cold, there are kids out playing, people biking and running, lots of big gyms, and many more organic choices in the supermarkets.

4. We have a lot to learn about our house--lots of new features and "buttons". The boys have all asked how to flush the toilet--and I had to look to figure it out. There are room heaters, floor heaters, humidity controls, and a few other switches I have no idea what their function is yet.

5. It is expensive-as expected.
Dinner tonight from a simple take out place cost our family of 5 about $90. A coke from a machine was almost $4 today. On the bright side, the colorful money and large denomination coins make it feel like its all Monopoly money anyway:)

6. People have been friendly and helpful and have all spoken English well. Which is good because we've asked a lot of questions!

7. Most stores are in big complexes (sort of similar to a mall) and there aren't big billboards and neon signs so things are sort of hidden. We've done a lot of wandering and gotten lost a few times already. 

8. It's really really beautiful. The snow, the hills, the fjord. It's picturesque for sure. 

Tomorrow on the schedule-international school orientation, unloading our air shipment of belongings and making a big grocery trip-fingers crossed!

More to come!!!!

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