The vacation is over. It's real now.
It was so strange to come home Monday after taking the boys to school to a quiet house--our new house.
I planned so much for the actual move--packing, the plane flight, all the logistics--but now here we are. This is it. (can you tell I'm freaking out a little bit?)
This is the part I couldn't really plan for, I just have to do. That's really scary for somebody who likes to be in control. This is new.
So after my initial shock, I sat down Monday in the middle of my boxes and mess to pray and write. I wrote a letter to God. Yes, that's a little strange but I just had all these thoughts and feelings and I needed to put them somewhere. I wrote about my fears, my weaknesses, my goals. I gave everything I had to Him and gave over my control--and worry.
And then I started my week.
Very slowly.
I drove to pick the boys up with white knuckles and breathed a huge sigh of relief when I saw them smiling at the end of their day.
The next day I took the boys with me (as my crutch?) into the "mini" (small markets sort of like a 7-11). We bought milk and managed to pay and get home and I felt like I'd won a major prize!
By Wednesday I ventured to the real grocery store. It helps when your 3 year old is singing and saying "hi" to every person we passed. They couldn't help but acknowledge me...and offer help on more than 1 occasion when I must have looked completely lost and clueless. (I mean, seriously, you can buy a lot of food based on the picture on the label, but sour cream? I would have ended up with cottage cheese unless I had asked.)
By the end of week I had figured out how to find a children's store and buy a stroller, drive to pick up the boys without needing my gps for directions, and join the gym. I gotta say, I'm pretty darn proud of myself at this point.
It's so funny that these simple errands are such a major undertaking. I get home completely exhausted! Baby steps...
Things are slowly getting easier and I hope will continue on that course.
It's comforting knowing there is control and I don't have to have it myself. My confidence comes from my faith.
My mom said something this week that continues to resonate with me. I have never been good at change. Maybe this is time God is giving to me to learn to be comfortable when I'm uncomfortable, to learn to give up my control a hundred times every day, and to learn to listen to Him.
Maybe I'm learning more than how to drive or pay at the store.
I'm hoping.
Next plans--include trying an English speaking service at church, meeting my first friend in Oslo for coffee (Owen's strep throat at least introduced me to a very nice pediatrician, Kristin, who called and offered to give me some local tips), and heading to the ski slopes with our new cross country skis in the evenings.
All things I'm a little nervous about but all things that I will be very proud to accomplish!