Tuesday, September 18, 2012

That's not me

You know those moms who cut their children's sandwiches into cute little shapes? That's not me.

You know those moms who always calmly deal with temper tantrums and never raise their voice ? That's not me.

You know those moms who craft sweet, perfect, and updated homemade scrapbooks? That's not me.

You know those moms who plan meals a month in advance and have a freezer full of healthy thawable dinner options? That's not me.

You know those cool moms who let their kids and their friends be as loud as they want upstairs? That's not me.

You know those moms who never wish that it would rain on soccer practice day, just this once? That's not me.

You know those moms who never forget the camera or the sunscreen or the diapers? That's not me.

You know those moms who have the bedtime routine down and never have a 3 year old toddle down the stairs at least three times? That's not me.

You know that mom who has it all together? That's not me....and I don't know her.

You know those moms who might sometimes forget to sign the reading log or actually download the pictures off of the camera or turn on a movie so that maybe she can nap for 15 minutes or packs her kids prepackaged lunchables everyday or lets them fall asleep on the couch watching tv or lets her anger show or orders pizza for dinner? 

You know that mom who screws up sometimes and apologizes to her kids? 

That's me.

But you know those moms who never miss a game even when she's rushing from work and makes cookies together (from premade dough) and sings silly songs in the car and puts the lego man back together for the millionth time today and cheers so loud at soccer games she embarrasses her kids and brings McDonald's to share at school when he's having a bad day and plays Battleship and colors on the living room floor and snuggles watching Curious George every morning? 

And you know that mom who loves her kids with everything she has and keeps trying no matter how many times she gets it wrong? 

That's me.

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