Thursday, January 30, 2014

One year later

I haven’t posted in a long while – trying to catch up…

So it has been a year now since we left Texas and settled down in Norway. That seems so crazy. In some ways, I feel wide eyed and clueless, like I just arrived but in other ways I feel very comfortable in my home, like we’ve been here forever. Looking back over the past year, so much has changed –  but there are still moments of frustration that I forget that. Every morning on the way to school we do "grateful" when the boys list what they are thankful for. Sometimes, it's ninjas or pizza and sometimes it's mommy or daddy or Texas.  Some days I also need the reminder that I am grateful for this experience and how far I’ve come. So here’s my 2014-one-year-later-I-really-love list, for my review on a regular basis.

1.    I love how my boys are growing. As I write, Barrett is off 4 hours away north on a week long school ski trip. They are cross country skiing about 6 hours every day, snowshoeing, ice climbing, having the time of their lives. But mostly, they are learning independence and responsibility. He has called home twice and sputters out in about 30 seconds how much fun he’s having and that he has to run. I am in awe (sniff, sniff).

2.    I love winter (I can’t even believe I am writing that). In the past 2 weeks we’ve been downhill skiing, cross country skiing, ice skating on a frozen pond, and luging (yes, that’s a real thing and it’s unbelievably fun). As opposed to last year’s survival tactics, this year we are living in and enjoying the snow and outdoors. Yesterday I was standing at the top of the ski mountain looking out and was absolutely stunned at the beauty.

3.    I love the friends I’ve made. Friends that bring you chicken soup when you’re sick, laugh with you, love your kids, work out with you, email things like “I don’t need to practice. I am a natural twerker.” I wouldn’t love this place without them.

4.    I love traveling. Oh, the places you’ll go! You’re off and away!” That’s our new family motto. We are getting to see so much of the world and share it with the boys. They are learning to try new things, be good travelers, enjoy culture and history, be open minded – skills I am so grateful they will use all through life.

5.    I love the slower pace. Crazy frustrating at first, now I’ve learned to love that no one is ever in a hurry. It’s very peaceful and has forced me to slow down and be in the moment. Borrowing a good friend’s phrase “I am practically Norwegian!”

6.    I love going back to school. I have the opportunity to pursue my passion and I can’t explain how amazing it is to be discussing topics like justice in health care, how to help impoverished communities, and sharing kindness to improve the world with classmates from all over the globe. I am soaking it all in and can’t wait to put it to use.

7.    I love Micah. There is nothing better than sharing all of these memories with my best friend. I am so proud of him.

When we landed here a year ago, I was desperate to understand God’s plan for putting us here. I still don’t know exactly where I am headed, but I can see the changes and the growth in the past year. I am following His path and once I finally relaxed and accepted that,




 I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us this year!