This goes with the movers now, this goes later, this stays in America, this goes in garage sale pile, this is not even fit for a garage sale.
Every toy, towel, basket (I seem to have a LOT of those?!?), and clothing item is worthy of discussion and thought into a decision. I have lists and labeled piles and lists of my piles (literally).
I've never been more organized....and yet I feel completely lost and unprepared.
I have absolutely no idea if what I'm taking/leaving is appropriate. What will I wish I had? What will I never use? People have given advice and it's all over the place. "take only necessities", "buy things you can take and leave there", "bring whatever makes it feel like home". I'm doing a little of each I guess. It's a stab in the dark.
I keep reminding myself it's all just "stuff". It's all so minuscule in the long run and while today I agonize over how many coffee mugs to take, it really doesn't matter.
What matters is our family. Getting the boys settled and comfortable, finding our place.
I've done a lot of deferred gratification in my life and frankly, I'm kind of done with that. I'm done with the "I can do anything for 2 years" mentality. I'm done crossing days off the calendar and counting down. I'm done planning for the next step and missing where I am.
So I'm really trying to go into this opportunity whole-heartedly. I want to enjoy every second and make the most of a time in my life that I will never have again. I want to be in the moment, not waiting for it to be over.
So while packing may be chaotic and I right now I want nothing more than just to be there already and have this behind us, I will not let this time or any just pass me by.
I will enjoy my friends, Christmas, my job, my family. I can't put those things in boxes.